Parent Teacher Conference Registration

Dear Families, 

Parent Teacher Conferences take place on Thursday, November 21 (Evening - 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM) and Friday, November 22 (Afternoon - 12:00 PM to 2:20 PM).  Friday, November 22 will be a half day for students and they will be dismissed at 11:30 AM.  Conferences will be virtual - via google meet or phone call.  Here’s the link for you to sign up for a time slot.  Please sign up for a meeting with each of your child's teachers.  Students receive house points for each registration!

If you need assistance, please reach out to your child's guidance counselor - Ms. Scaglione for grades 10 and 11, and Ms. Phillips for grades 9 and 12 - at 718-564-2580.